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Rebekah Lundeen - Head Coach

I am a very passionate sports enthusiast with tennis and hockey being my favorite sports.  I started playing tennis when I was 14 years old which is considered extremely late to begin playing any sport.  I was unfortunately the worst player on my no-cut high school team which inspired me to work harder than I had ever worked at anything before.  I spent an average of 6 hours a day up at our local courts during the summer following my freshman season practicing against the backboard, serving and playing any pick-up games I could find.  By the time I reached my senior year of high school I was one of the top singles players in Minneapolis and voted All-Conference.  After high school, I went on to play for the University of Minnesota Duluth in both doubles and singles.  My senior year at UMD my partner and I won the NCAA Sun Conference championship.  Following college, I coached both boy’s and girl’s high school tennis in Minneapolis until my children were born.  I am the proud mom of two amazing girls Mac and Maddy, who are old enough for me to get back to coaching and pursing a passion in a sport I love.  I am also a dog lover as I have three dogs (Sage) Newfoundland, (Molly) Bernese Mountain dog and (Thor) Old English Bulldog.  Lastly, I stay busy teaching special education here at Chisago Lakes High School, playing on a ladies golf league with a bunch of amazing women who also love sports.​














Steve Otte - Assistant Coach JV


Jon Erickson - C Team Coach


Jerilyn Mattson - Drill Coach



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